Thursday, May 31, 2012

down time and rain day

Woke up this morning and felt like a train hit me( instead of riding them like the last 3 days), so it was a day for down time and recuperate. We did go to a lovely concert at St. Giles church at noon and then for a nice lunch at our favorite pub across the street. St Giles is fantastic. Here the churches make some money by charging for a photo licence. I think it's a good idea. They probably don't have many parishioners, but there are hundreds of tourists going in and out. It is stunning, the chapel is all in wood and very ornately carved. The main part of the church is stone and the windows are documentation of all the soldiers, saints and aristocrats that were part of the history here. Officers were of Noble blood. So, I  guess my down day was still a bit touristy.
Today it is pouring out so going to the planned botanical gardens is definitely out. We need another idea. We will go to another pub at least. This is a great location for that.
Tomorrow we are off to Inverness. It will be our last stay before Glasgow again. I will try to blog from there or I may have to catch up once back at Glasgow.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Newcastle upon Tyne and Edinburgh

Well we have been on the go for the last 3 days. Overnights in 3 towns. I have to say Shrewsbury was the nicest surprise so far. Newcastle was OK and I did get to see Walls end of Hdrian's wall. It is a ruin sight but one would have to make a bike/walk/bus tour of all the historic sites along the 80 Km wall built across this part of the UK seperating Scotland(ish) and England(ish). It was worth it to see such a historic site.First class train travel on East Coast rail is the way to go. They still have free food service when you get on and the seats are spacious and reclining. The Britrail pass has paid off just for that. We are now on the last leg of our whirlwind journey. Scotland and then home. I think we are both ready to just put our feet up for a while and digest all that we have seen and done ...and eaten. Tonight was haggis night. We are staying at an Ibis hotel just on the Ryal mile. It is a fantastic location. This is one of the chain hotels I always use when travelling. It is consistantly good service and reasonable prices for lodging.
Edinburgh is a beautiful city. We took our usual city bus tour. It is most practical for me since all the streets go uphill here: 0) Tomorrow we are considering the botanical gardens and I am check on the accessibility of the castle. We are off next to Inverness where we will spend our last 4 days before heading back to Glasgow.  From there it is Canada bound. Until my next entry.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Cardiff to Shrewsbury

We had a wonderful day trip to Bath. What a gorgeous town.One can definitely spend 2 days there easy. As it was one was still ok. I went to the Jane Austen house and to the fashion museum. We took the city sightseeing buses around . It was the best, fastest, and most convenient way to see the town. The buses were accessible so it easy too. We had afternoon tea at the Austen house as well as a lovely dinner at one of the old hotels near the train station. Lots seen, lots done this day. We then took our train back to Cardiff. Tomorrow is a rest day for me and a booking/planning day for the next week. I am looking forward to seeing Shrewsbury. Cardiff is a great base city. It is easy to get around in and walking is easy as well. Most of the touristic, interesting things are in close proximity. We walked most of the sights within Cardiff in the last days. our boat trip was fun, and the day couldn't have been better. The last 3 days have beet 21+ degrees. What a difference that makes.
I am not sure what the Internet is like in Shrewsbury. Our next biggest centre is York possibly. Either that or we will be in Newcastle upon Tyne. Also small town. When I can I will continue.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Just a quick post for now as we are off on a bit of a boat tour today. It is sunny and warm for the first time on the trip. We are enjoying it. Cardiff is a nice city and a good centre point for our day trips. We will be going to Bath tomorrow and then possibly a national park the next before we depart for Shrewsbury. So far, the travel has been without a hitch. I will add to this tonight on our return. We are foraging for good fish and chips today. Yesterday was the Welsh traditional pies and other local delicacies like Welsh cakes. Till later...

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Second last day at the castle

Well, we made a trek to the Rock of Cashel, where I realized I would not be able to
walk through since it is basically all stairs and hill. Except for the graveyard that is. We had the wedding yesterday and the weather cooperated perfectly. It was mild , sunny and not windy. The setting was perfect for the bride and groom. They were garbed in retro attire. We laughed, we ate ( still too much), most people drank, and some even danced. It was a lovely day. It is fantastic to have the whole ceremony all in one spot. The castle has two huge dining rooms. It was perfect to be all sitting around and enjoying the meal the caterers served. Roast with root vegetables, Yorkshire pudding and of course potatoes. Very expertly done. For dessert was meringue with fruit in whipped cream.They love their rich foods. Probably because it is so stinking cold here all the time you need a lot of calories to heat yourself. Tomorrow is a mellow day, the last full day, at the castle and we are already on the move again on Saturday. I can't believe 5 days have passed again. It is onto a small town called Waterford next ( where the crystal comes from) as it is half way to the ferry terminal. then a ferry ride and train ride to Cardiff to star tour Wales adventure. We will be going at a slow pace, but still enjoying it. I have to restrain myself from taking more pictures of ruined churches and churches in general. I will have so many I won't know where they were or why I took it...just that they look cool. Well, I need to go book a bus... till next time

Monday, May 14, 2012

At Springfield Castle

It has taken me 2 days to recuperate from that bus tour. It was quite an experience. I had a great time.The time is too short to write about everything I saw so I may have to do that as an addendum on my return. I barely know what day it is.  The castle is fantastic and I do not mind sitting in the library with a fire roaring when the wind is blowing and rain pounding. It is very relaxing. Most of the group went on a tour today to the place we had just come from. Meaning the north west coast. I have  not been able to find a store for mom to set up her cell , so we are phoneless and compterless. I guess it is fitting in the castle from 1500. I am borrowing my nephews tonight so I may be able to write a little more if he feels charitable. The wedding is on Wed so there is a bit of hubbub starting. I hope the weather is nice. Well, I have just been enjoying the grounds and checking out all the lanes. Lots of beautiful old trees and pasture as well as cool little rock lined trails.
The wind , the wind, the wind...Lethbridge has nothing on Ireland. Well, I need to return the computer so this is where I will stop. I will try to continue about this week.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Almost nearing the end of the marathon bus tour

Alright we are on the last two days of our Northern Ireland tour on the bus. The people could not have been lovelier and they are treating me like a princess. I have heard and seen so much my head is spinning so I may need a recuperation day before I can put it into words. It is definitely physically demanding for me, but well worth it. We have been fed within an inch of our life and everyone seems to be taking smaller portions at breakfast buffet to counteract the rich - and delicious- food. I am trying to remember the town we are in. It was only mentioned about a million times today, but ...nope it's blank__Westport!_(I remembered)___. I will fill it in tomorrow or the next day depending on when I have access to a computer. Today were at the bog fields ( from the bus) A manor home which I wasn't able to see as it was stairs from top to bottom.I sent mom out to take pictures as my proxy. I think there has been several days since I wrote, but all the things are just too much tonight. 

One remarkable thing last night was the live music and the pub we went to. Of course they played us the classical things and we had to ask for Danny Boy because our lovely tour directer can't stand it. So, you can imagine the fun group ( well more wicked) I am with. The drinks keep flowing. I haven't drank this much in 5 years. This has only been in 7 days.

The weather has for the most part been cooperating. Today on the coast there were such strong winds that I didn't get off the coach. I know you that know me picture a tumble weed named Cecile rolling over the landscape...with the sheep. Maybe the sheep would stop me...I am  not sure. Well, my time is running out and we are up at the crack of dawn as usual. I will sign off. Hope all are well.